Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Saturday, July 5, 2008

What yoga can do for you....

Think "YOGA" and a few people still think of scantily-clad Indian men twisting themselves into pretzels, or worse, floating off the ground. Thankfully, a worldwide boom has pushed this ancient discipline into the mainstream, making it a billion-dollar industry in the United States alone.
Beyond the hype and hybrids, however, millions of people have benefited from practicing the poses or asana, which are just one component of the complex and fascinating belief system. Also, like different arrangement of the same song, there are different yoga styles, depending on what you're looking for, whether it's serious sweat, improve posture and alignment, or a flow of movements to stretch your every joint.
What can yoga do for you?
1.It can give you a stronger, more reflexible, more toned body.
On the most basic level, yoga build stronger, toned muscles and sturdier bones, making you less susceptible to aches, pains, and injuries, and making you much quicker on your feet.
2. It can improve your health.
Regular yoga can help you keep a slew of disease under control, including high blood pressure, osteoporosis, asthma, evensciatica and scoliosis.
3. It can improve your mental health.
Yoga has long been proven to fight stress and anxiety, because the sheer physical work must come with a focused mind. Unlike other "workouts" that allow your mind to wander because of your boredom-who hasn't thought about the grocery list while huffing on the treadmil?-yoga requires that you pay attention to what you'r doing, or youwon't do the p[ose properly.
4. It can improve your attitude.
Like any undertaking with an internal, spiritual element, yoga can change you. Improve temper, more optimistic outlooks, less judgemental attitudes, humility, and compassion.

Friday, July 4, 2008

jeepney ride [my daily experience]

I live in Antipolo City, the place where i stayed in almost 2 years before i decided to come back here to continue my studies again. i used to work in one of the company firm in Ortigas, & every day i have to travel by jeepney from our place to Ortigas. The ride from Antipolo to Ortigas variesv from 55mins. to almost 2 hours but usually average for almost an hour if theres no traffic. I have to wake-up early in the morning just to catch the jeepney & arrive in the office on time. In my early life of riding the distance between the two cities, i have found it tiring, sometimes it even gets worse when it is raining. That experience could really be terrible. I have spent my one and a half years working in that company. It used to be a nice expereinced even though im not finished my course yet, & i learned how to become a proffesional & to love my job.